That depends on the model in question. Most thumb trigger activated models come standard with a 43# spring in the trigger and wrist strap models come standard with a “light” spring, although the particular poundage used may vary from one wrist strap model to another.
Yes, the springs are $2.00 each, the ITS kits are $8.00, the Chocolate addiction kits are $12.00 each plus mailing. For more information on how to send your release in for a spring change, visit our Warranty and Repair page located in the “Support” section of our web site.
With the ITS systems we have made it much more simple to change and customize your trigger tension. For the pre-ITS models please see the maintenance section.
Every Carter release in our current line-up has been made to be D-loop friendly. The only exception would be the LokJaw 2000 with the wide jaw. The wide jaw is intended for use directly off the serving, whereas the LokJaw 2000 with the narrow jaw is intended for use with either a rope tied to the release or a D-loop.
Carter actually offers two shooter programs. The first is known as the Staff Shooter program and is available for serious archers who already enjoy sponsorship through a major bow manufacturer. To apply for this program, the archer needs to complete all areas of the Staff Shooter application and attach a current archery resume. Eligibility and approval is determined by our Staff Shooter Coordinators, contingent on the application materials received for each archer. This is an annual program, beginning November 1st and ending October 31st of the following year.
The second program is known as the Co-op Shooter program and is handled through your local archery shop. To apply, the dealer must request and complete the required Co-op Shooter application. Each dealer is allowed three co-op shooters per year, beginning November 1st and ending October 31st of the following year. For more information on either of our shooter programs, or to request an application, contact us directly at
Wrist straps can be purchased directly from our facility for $16.50 each plus shipping , the Scott Straps are $21.50 plus mailing.
Currently we have free patches available, carrying the Carter Logo, in either black and red or in red, white, and blue.
Certainly. Either e-mail us at or call us direct at (208) 624-3467 to request your free catalog.
Yes, you are certainly welcome to state a color preference. However, color selection is limited to stock on hand and colors change frequently. Carter may substitute colors at their discretion, as necessary.
The Adjusto Trigger (that silver, drum-shaped piece bolted to the trigger) comes standard on all thumb trigger models. All other back tension models also come standard with the Friction Enhancer. Additional Adjusto Triggers, Friction Enhancers, Anti freeze and Main squeeze — as well as Carter’s Thumb Shoes and Palm Shoes — are also available for sale.
Carter recommends using Fast Flight for D-loops or tied directly to the release for improved performance and to help avoid potential problems such as hang firing and pre firing. Additional Fast Flight is available from our facility at $1.00 per foot, plus shipping.
Carter Enterprises
P.O. Box 19
487 N. 2290 E.
Saint Anthony, ID 83445
Phone: (208) 624-3467
Fax: (208) 624-7515
Copyright © 2025 Carter Enterprises